Introduction to Claudia.js
What is Claudia.js?
Claudia.js is a tool designed to simplify deployment of Node.js projects to AWS Lambda and API Gateway. It automates deployment tasks so you don’t need to worry about introducing errors and configures everything the way you would expect it to be set up out of the box.
According to the official website, Claudia’s primary objective is to help JavaScript developers get started using Lambda microservices easily so they can “focus on solving important business problems instead of dealing with AWS deployment workflows.”
Getting started with Claudia.js
In this section, we’ll walk you through setting up an example Node.js and Express.js app to show Claudia.js in action.
Claudia.js is available on npm. The simplest way to use Claudia.js is to install it as a global utility:
npm install -g claudia
Generating an Express.js app
Install the Express.js app generator using npm:
npm install express-generator -g
express claudia-demo
cd claudia-demo
npm i
Configuring your Express.js app for deployment
The Express.js app will be hosted by a Lambda function, so it needs a handler to send data between the app and the API Gateway. This is where Claudia.js comes in. Claudia uses aws-serverless-express to generate a helper function to interface between API Gateway requests and Express.js requests and responses.
Execute the command below in your project directory. If you have renamed your Express.js application module, replace app with the name of the main Express.js application module:
$ claudia generate-serverless-express-proxy --express-module
Deploying to AWS Lambda
Your app is now ready to go live:
claudia create --handler lambda.handler \
--deploy-proxy-api \
--region us-east-1